
  • The piece of software that gets a token from the authorization server and uses that token with a protected resource.

  • Identified by a special string known as the client identifier AKA the value found in the client_id parameter.

  • Responsibilities are largely centered on obtaining tokens from the authorization server and using tokens with the protected resource.

    • Client doesn't have to understand the token, nor should it ever need to inspect the token's contents.

  • The Client and Authorization Server need to know a few things about each other before they can talk.

    • This includes the Authorization Server knowing the client_id.

    • In cases where the Authorization Code Flow is used, this includes the Authorization Server knowing the client_secret.

  • OAuth defines two types of clients:

    • Public Clients - Unable to hold configuration secrets there having no client-secrets (this is found within the Implicit Flow)

    • Confidential Clients - Able to hold configuration time secrets (such as the Authorization Code Flow.

Last updated