Authorization Server

  • HTTP Server that acts as the central component of an OAuth System.

    • Trusted by the protected resource to issue special purpose security credentials called access tokens to Clients.

  • Typically assigns the Client the client_id and client_secret (if needed)

    • Assignment happens through a developer portal, dynamic client registration, or by other means.

  • Only the Authorization Server can authenticate users, register clients, and issue tokens.

  • Required to expose two endpoints:

    • Authorization Endpoint (serve front-channel interactions)

    • Token Endpoint (serve back-channel interactions)

  • It's highly recommended that if the Authorization Server is storing access tokens (instead of using a stateless mechanism such as JWT), the access tokens should be hashed.

  • In the case where the Authorization Code grant is being used, the Authorization Server should bind the code to the client_id of the Client.

    • This prevents a malicious Client from being able to use the access token.

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